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Dear Friend,
Happy TESTIMONY THURSDAY!!! I just wanted to drop you a quick note and share a
few testimonies that highlight the POWER of our God and His faithfulness to
fight for his children!
Read some of the testimonies below and BE ENCOURAGEDβwe serve a God who heals
and restores, and will never give up on his lost children!
SUPPORT LET US WORSHIP >>> <[link removed]>
Till all hear,
P.S. Our new album Send Me is now available!!! The album contains old
favorites like "Liberty Bells," and new ones like "Send Me." ListenHERE
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International Donorsβ donate HERE <[link removed]>
Donate by Check or Money Order
Sean Feucht Ministries
310 Third Street NE
Washington, DC 20002
Contributions are tax-deductible.
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[email protected] by Let Us Worship
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