Patriot: In an effort to sanitize his racist past, Biden laid out a whopper of a lie this week! He claimed he got former U.S. Senator Strom Thurmond to vote for the Civil Rights Act. Except Thurmond never voted for it. It’s just another in a long line of lies Biden spouts in the hopes of getting Black people to vote for him. He just keeps hoping that if he repeats a lie long enough, people will believe him. The problem is, as we get closer and closer to next year’s election, this lie and others like it, could help Biden remain in the White House! It’s now fallen on you and me to make sure Black America knows the truth – that the Democrats aren’t their allies… they just want to keep Black voters in their place and dupe us into trusting them… because they know what’s best for us! But rather rely on what Biden tells us. Let’s face facts, just like the Democrat Party, the truth is that Joe Biden is an old racist and we’ve got the proof.
When it comes to HELPING the Black community live the American Dream, Biden and the Democrats have NEVER stood up for Black America, and they never will. They want us beholden to them, unable to fend for ourselves, living as victims. So, if you want conservatives back in charge of this great nation, you need to help us show Black America the hypocrisy in our system; that there is a better way forward if they stop believing the Democrats’ lies. Will you help us spread these truths with your $50, $100, or $500 donation today? Joe Biden will tell any lie to stay in power and the media will never call him on it. If we are going to stand against him, we have to stand together. I need every Conservative reading this email to stand with us. Please, donate today. Black America deserves better than another old racist who has a history of putting us down instead of lifting us up. For a New Journey,
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New Journey PAC was founded by James Golden, aka Bo Snerdley, who is the former Executive Producer for the Rush Limbaugh Show and worked alongside Limbaugh for 30 years. New Journey PAC engages minority voters with an effective, relentless campaign to answer the Left’s lies about the Republican Party and educates voters as to why the GOP is the only party of freedom and prosperity. |
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