Let’s put polluters and clear-cutters on notice

Hello friends,

Some of the biggest climate polluters, corporate forest clear-cutters, and false climate solutions peddlers are gathering in Portland next week. Wall Street investors will join timber corporations for their annual, unironically-named “Who Will Own the Forest?” conference.

But PNWers aren’t having it. People from across the region are planning a massive demonstration to fight for our forests.

Join us on Wednesday, September 27, as we confront Wall Street capitalists and put them on notice: managing forests to maximize profits for the rich and stall climate action will be met with increasing resistance. The rally will include speakers, music, theatrical performances, art & creative resistance, and more.

On Thursday, September 28, join us for the Forests Over Profits conference, hosted by local communities and activists. In contrast to the corporate “Who Will Own the Forest?” conference, Forests Over Profits will elevate truly sustainable forest management and the need for fundamental systems change in the face of capitalist exploitation and the climate and biodiversity crises.


Please join us in fighting for our forests!

The Breach Team

forests over profits