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Tyson Foods, the largest chicken company in the United States, markets itself as upholding a “moral and ethical obligation” of “proper animal handling” and claims that it has “zero tolerance for animal abuse.” We know cruelty is an inherent part of animal agriculture – the best way to eliminate animal suffering is to leave them off your plate. Even so, these claims are especially egregious considering what Animal Outlook undercover investigators recently documented.

Tyson may claim to care about its birds, but Animal Outlook investigators discovered a system of neglect, abuse and safety risks at one of its contracted farms. Even in the wake of Animal Outlook releasing its findings, Tyson continues to refuse to take accountability.

By becoming an Animal Impact Maker, you’ll be part of the team keeping the pressure on Tyson Foods. You’ll be standing united with undercover investigators as they expose the widespread mistreatment of Tyson’s birds and you’ll be critical to the success of holding Tyson– and companies like it that exploit animals for profit – accountable for its abhorrent actions. And you’ll be empowered to use the horrific truth to help build a vegan world.
Click here to hold Tyson accountable for animal abuse

Left: A plastic "nose bone" was used to limit the food intake of male birds
Right: A chicken whose legs were unable to support their body writhes on the ground
This year’s investigation was not the first time Animal Outlook uncovered Tyson’s horrors. In 2016, a brave undercover investigator obtained footage showing egregious acts of violence and abuse at different Tyson facilities in Virginia. This evidence prompted Tyson to end the practice of “boning,” whereby a dull plastic rod (nose bone) is shoved through the nostrils of young male breeder birds to limit their food intake and curb their growth. Tyson also fired 10 employees and Animal Outlook successfully pushed for prosecution, ultimately resulting in nine former employees being convicted of 24 counts of animal cruelty.

Tyson likely hoped that spotlight would no longer be on them after it made these statements under public pressure, but a follow up investigation in 2017 of another Tyson contracted facility in Virginia showed the horrors chickens are forced to endure as a result of genetic manipulation for obesity and unnaturally rapid growth. The owner of this facility pleaded “facts sufficient” to charges of cruelty to animals and agreed to a plea bargain.

The pattern here is clear. Despite Tyson’s oxymoronic claims of “humane” treatment and promises to reform, Tyson’s chickens are cruelly treated as business as usual. It’s time for Tyson to be held accountable for the systemic failures of its own industry.
Become an Animal Impact Maker today and join a dedicated team of supporters who have made the pledge to stand with undercover investigators to expose the truth companies like Tyson try to hide - that it is making billions of dollars from animal suffering and death.

Thanks to a generous supporter, all donations made by Animal Impact Makers in September will be matched, dollar for dollar. Your monthly gift will be doubled if you sign up today. Will you stand with undercover investigators to expose companies like Tyson for what they are - callous mega corporations who put greed above the lives of defenseless animals?
Double My Impact
Thank you for supporting undercover investigators and for caring about suffering farmed animals.

With gratitude,
Cheryl Leahy
Executive Director
P.S. Become an Animal Impact Maker this month for a chance to win a copy of We Animals Media’s award-winning book HIDDEN: Animals in the Anthropocene. This book shines a light on the invisible animals in our lives: those we have a close relationship with and yet fail to see.
As a non-profit organization, Animal Outlook relies on donations from caring, generous people like you. Every dollar matters. Your support makes a world of difference to farmed animals.  
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