From Indivisible Team <[email protected]>
Subject MAGA wants to remove Justice Janet before she hears a single case
Date September 21, 2023 3:33 PM
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This April, voters overwhelmingly elected Janet Protasiewicz to the
Wisconsin Supreme Court, establishing a liberal majority capable of
restoring abortion rights and ending some of the worst gerrymandering our
country has seen this century. 

After years of voter suppression and maprigging by the Wisconsin GOP, this
one election provided Wisconsinites their first real chance of thwarting
the MAGA plot to entrench one-party rule. 

So naturally, GOP leaders are now threatening to throw out the results of
the election by impeaching Justice Protasiewicz before she’s heard a
single case. 

This is a brazen attack on democracy with implications far beyond
Wisconsin’s borders. Just as Indivisibles stepped up to elect Protasiewicz
in April, we need to go all in to defend her seat against the GOP’s
autocratic schemes today. 

MAGA Republicans could put this into motion as early as October 10 if we
don’t stop it -- so it’s vital we act now. 

[ [link removed]- ]Please chip in whatever you can to help us stop the anti-democratic
MAGA power grab in Wisconsin. 

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We know it’s exhausting to fight like hell to win these elections fair and
square, only to have the GOP try to rewrite the rules and ignore the
outcome of the democratic process. But we wouldn’t be asking for your help
today if this fight weren’t so important -- and if we weren’t confident
that this is a winnable fight. 

Why this fight is so important

The GOP can basically undo this election with a simple majority in the
House (where gerrymandering has given them a supermajority). The Senate
doesn’t need to vote to remove Protasiewicz -- as long as the impeachment
is still pending, she won’t be allowed to decide cases.

That means the court will have a 3-3 split unable to overturn abortion
restrictions, rule on fair maps, or invalidate any of the legislature’s
voter suppression laws ahead of 2024. 

And if the Senate does vote to remove Protasiewicz, it’d set up an
election for next year on the day of the Republican primary -- increasing
the likelihood of a renewed MAGA majority that could hand Trump the 2024
election. That’s not a far-fetched idea: In 2020 the court was one vote
away from blocking certification of the results. 

This isn’t just a fight for the future of democracy in Wisconsin. This is
a fight to defend American democracy, period. 

Our plan to win

As authoritarian as Wisconsin’s MAGA GOP has become, there are still some
Republicans who see nullifying elections as a bridge too far. Some of them
live in districts that are extremely gerrymandered, but not enough to spit
in the faces of an electorate that opposes impeachment by a 2-1 margin. 

We’ve got to turn up the pressure on those Republicans now, before the
train leaves the station. Polling alone won’t do it -- we need to jam
their phone lines, make sure activists are turning up at their public
events, generate press, and widen the schism in the Republican caucus (all
the while further toxifying the GOP’s brand by highlighting this

Indivisible groups in Wisconsin are ready to mobilize, just as they did to
elect Judge Janet this spring. We need to make sure they have the full
power and resources of our movement behind them once again. 

[ [link removed]- ]If you’re in a position to give, please chip in to help these
activists fighting to save our democracy. 

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In solidarity,
Indivisible Team 

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