Subject 75,000 people
Date September 21, 2023 2:33 PM
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Spread the message of peace on #PeaceDay!

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Dear John,

At the beginning of July, we declared a Summer of Peace and since then have taken over 400 actions against war with all of you. Today is the International Day of Peace and marks our final day of action. CODEPINK is in the streets of New York City demanding that we invest our resources in the people's needs instead of war. Let’s use this last day of the Summer of Peace to raise up peace and sustainability!

Can you take one more simple action? Click here to tweet about the International Day of Peace <[link removed]>or share this on Facebook! <[link removed]>

We’ve put in a lot of work this summer. This past weekend we joined the march against fossil fuels in NYC with tens of thousands of people demanding that President Biden and other world leaders put the planet first. We brought attention to the elephant in the room: the military’s emissions that accelerate the demise of planet earth.

We set out with a goal of taking 500 actions– big or small– to raise the importance of peace. This mission is more important than ever as Congress continually raises tensions with China, ships depleted uranium and cluster bombs to Ukraine, and continues to escalate towards nuclear war with Russia. Student loan payments resume for millions of people in the U.S. next month while politicians give $1 trillion to the Pentagon. Our leaders' priorities are all out of whack and we need to tell them what the people really want: Peace!

Help us get to 500 actions by Tweeting <[link removed]> for the International Day of Peace or sharing it on Facebook! <[link removed]>

After tomorrow, we shift gears towards October 3 and 4. On October 3 <[link removed]>we will rally against war with Dr. Cornel West and other peace activists <[link removed]>. The following day we will walk the halls of Congress <[link removed]>delivering our petition to demand an end to U.S. escalation of the war in Ukraine. We will only achieve peace if we organize for it!

War is unpopular and even mainstream media outlets like CNN are admitting it. According to their latest poll, 55% of people in the U.S. don’t support sending more weapons to Ukraine. The people are on our side, but we have to be smart and dedicated enough to mobilize and organize them. On this International Day of Peace, we hope you use every opportunity you can to talk about the kind of peaceful world you want – the kind of peaceful world that is possible with anti-war activists like you.

Towards Peace,

Ann, Danaka, Cale, Farida, Grace, Jasmine, Jodie, Marcy, Medea, Melissa, Michelle, Nancy, Nour, Nuvpreet, Olivia, Paki, Terry, Tian, Tim, and Ysa

P.S. Get our new War is Not Green CODEPINK shirt! <[link removed]>

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CODEPINK - 578 Washington Blvd, #395, Marina Del Rey, CA 90292, United States

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