Dear Friend,

Let’s imagine two contrasting scenarios. 

Scenario 1:

An overwhelmed parent with no tech expertise spends innumerable hours researching the risks on the countless social media apps and tech devices their child uses, and struggling to navigate obscure safety settings.   

Even if this parent’s valiant efforts succeed (which is a big if) … at the end of the day, only one child is protected.  

Countless other children who don’t have the privilege of highly involved parents are left completely exposed to lurking online dangers that can cause them irreparable harm. 


Scenario 2:

Every time a tech company creates a new product, it ensures this product is safe by design and by default.   

The millions of children who use these tech products are automatically protected. 


Which scenario is better?  

If you answered number 2, we completely agree with you. Scenario 2 reflects NCOSE’s core strategy, that you’ve already been so key in. Our core strategy is mass-scale prevention.  

“Mass-scale prevention” means that we strive to prevent harm for the greatest amount of people possible, by changing the systems and major institutions that propagate the harm. This entails getting the tech industry to prioritize safety, thereby protecting the millions of children who use their products.  

You have been a CHAMPION in working with us to achieve this. Let’s look at some of the victories we’ve achieved together, by the numbers:  

👉TikTok blocks adults from sending direct messages to children they don’t already know: 360 million teens protected!  

👉Snapchat improves detection and removal of sexually explicit/exploitative content: 90% of young people in 20+ countries protected! 

👉Google automatically blurs sexually explicit images: 5.3 billion Google searches per day made safe! 

👉Discord activates higher safety settings by default and improves policies on child sexualization: 333 million children protected! 

👉Google Chromebooks automatically turns on all safety settings on K-12 devices: 50 million students and educators protected! 

Think of every child who can live a full and happy life, thanks to being protected from harm through these changes … This is your legacy.  

And you can do even more

Our invitation to you today is to make an even bigger difference by becoming a monthly donor. Your generosity will provide dependable fuel to ensure that our efforts to protect children online can keep moving ahead at full speed.  

Together, we can multiply these already gargantuan victories, until the entire tech industry prioritizes safety and all children are protected from harm. 

Will you join us?  



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