Greenwashing is murder
Graphic saying  Extinction Rebellion with red background

Hello John,

This Government is a danger to us all.

For as long as oil, gas and coal are funded, mined and burnt, no carbon footprint count, net-zero commitment or government promises will achieve anything.

Gif showing images of protesters, with the words: Power, greed, control, intimidation stinks!

Sunak just scraped a raft of climate policies. He might state that these are ‘long term decisions for a brighter future’1, but we know this is greenwashing nonsense. There is no future on a burning planet.

Your generosity today can help us to expose greenwashing.

Your regular monthly donation will help XR to mobilise, take action and speak truth to power for the multiple crises we face, and expose the truth. 👊🏽

The more regular income we can secure, the more we can hold to account these compulsive liars and politicians with deep pockets for dirty profits and their media pals. We've got a lot of truth telling to do, a host of ways to do it and a network of determined rebels. But we can't do this without you.

The climate crisis is real and there is no planet B. As XR supporters and earth-loving humans your support literally means the world to us, all of us.

Thank you for all of your support,

XR UK Fundraising Team

PS Only able to give a one off donation at the moment? We appreciate that, and we’re grateful.


  1. Bloomberg TV: Sunak Says UK Isn't Watering Down Its Net-Zero Targets

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