From Ruben Gallego <[email protected]>
Subject Respectfully.
Date September 20, 2023 10:39 PM
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I’m at a bit of a loss.

Folks are still opening these emails. And you’re reading them (obviously).

But we’re way behind on donations. Tracking anywhere from 7-10% off where we’ve been in past months.

Compounding the problem, when people do give, they’re donating less. Our average donation is down about $6, from $28 to $22.

Now, we don’t expect folks to donate to every email we send. And you probably didn’t wake up this morning planning to donate to my campaign. But today, especially today, I need you to.

I never thought I’d have to ask so many people I’ve never met to support me, to back this campaign, to help me defend our Senate majority. But that’s what I have to do. I need your help.

So please. I am respectfully asking:

Make your online donation to this campaign today. It will help us catch up to where we need to be to win this race.

Contribute: [link removed]

That’s what these emails are for — to raise the money we need to take back this seat from Kyrsten Sinema. To defend it from the likes of Kari Lake or whoever else lines up against us.

I hope you’re with me.


Contribute: [link removed]

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