Hello John,

I'm often asked, Why did you decide to run?

There are many answers. Last evening I was walking in my neighborhood in the North Loop of downtown Minneapolis and saw a young woman scream as she ran after a white Toyota on Washington Ave. She only managed to slam her hand against the trunk before it sped away.

Her name is Skylar. She’s 23-years-old and she was out with two other friends after work, enjoying their evening out, seated at the patio outside of the North Loop Galley. A young black male sprang out of the car, grabbed her purse, and jumped into the backseat before they peeled away.

She was in tears by the time I got to her to see if she was OK. I feel horrible that I couldn’t snap a picture of the license plate but it happened so fast. I stayed with her and waited for the police to come. When something like that happens, those minutes waiting, believing something can be done, seem to take forever.

Earlier in the day I saw the report on Fox News that Minneapolis police staffing levels have plummeted to a four-decade low. If you live here, you can feel it every day but last night it hit home all the more so. It’s no wonder it took the Minneapolis Police Department almost an hour to show up.

My campaign was barely 24-hours old and I think about how many times I’ve already been asked why I decided to run. Last night, the question answered itself.

THIS is why.

Because criminals have the upper-hand in my beautiful city and what I just witnessed can’t be allowed to become the new normal. I’m running because my opponent, Ilhan Omar, had the unrepentant audacity to lead the effort to defund and dismantle the police and everyone can feel the impact.

I’m running because Skylar should be able to gather with her friends in my neighborhood and not worry that if she turns her head, her purse will be stolen, or something worse.

I’m running because we deserve so much better than this.



We Deserve Better!

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Read my campaign announcement press release HERE.

Watch my campaign kickoff video below.

Land of Liberty Campaign Launch Video


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