FIRST: Cory Gardner helped Mitch McConnell cover up President Trump’s abuses of power in office by blocking firsthand witness testimony and critical evidence during the impeachment trial.

THEN: Trump visited Colorado to hold a fundraiser and rally for Gardner, and they even took the time to set up a joint fundraising committee to help our opponent rake in huge sums of dirty money.

NOW: Our campaign is racing to match Gardner’s fundraising advantage by attempting to raise $500,000 from grassroots donors before tomorrow’s deadline -- and we’re currently on pace to fall short.

Please, rush a contribution of $10 or more, if you can, to ensure our campaign has the resources to fight back against the nasty GOP attacks we’re facing in this race:

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

To tell you the truth, the amount of money we raise by this deadline matters a lot less to John than how many people step up to give. It’s important we win this election the right way, which is why we’re relying on a whole lot of folks to donate what they can -- and no corporate PAC money.

Thanks for stepping up.

— Team Hick