OJJDP Administrator Liz Ryan To Hold Next Monthly Call
Join OJJDP Administrator Liz Ryan for the next monthly?Webex call, "Today in Juvenile Justice: Administrator Update," to be held Wednesday, September 27, 2023, at 12:30 p.m. ET.
During these calls, Administrator Ryan provides a brief update to stakeholders on current OJJDP activities and juvenile justice issues. OJJDP grantees, youth justice advocates, criminal and juvenile justice professionals, law enforcement officials, prosecutors and youth defenders, and the public are invited to attend.
During this month's call, Administrator Ryan will highlight the?JJDPA 49th anniversary and OJJDP's recent accomplishments in juvenile justice reform. Administrator Ryan will also discuss Youth Justice Action Month and an upcoming October webinar highlighting this month-long event.
Registration is not required. To join the Administrator's call:
Access code:?2763 450 8124
Attendee ID:?Press #
Listen to Previous Administrator Calls
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