
Last we checked, we’re about $8,417 behind where we need to be for February. If we miss our end-of-month goal tomorrow, we’ll be off track for the first financial quarter in this all-important election year.

This afternoon, we’ll be sending Jon an update on our fundraising numbers. Could you chip in $10 or anything you can give before then? We’d love to be able to put your name on the list:

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Now that 2020 is in full swing, it’s critically important we hit every goal from here until Election Day to make sure we have the necessary resources to take back the Senate.

Every dollar we raise and the number of people who give says a lot about the strength of our grassroots campaign. Will we show the GOP that our team is strong and ready to fight? Or will we come up short and have to cut back our budget?

The answer depends on how you respond right now, folks. Can we count on you to donate $10 or more to help Jon flip the Senate? We wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t important.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Jon doesn’t rely on lobbyists or wealthy donors to fund his campaign -- he relies on everyday people like you. That’s why your donation is so important today.

— Team Tester