Friday, February 28, 2020
Contact: Carter Christensen, [email protected], 202-525-3926
by Ben Ritz, Director of the Center for Funding America's Future
Don’t be fooled: Senator Sanders' plans and numbers still don’t add up, and Sanders should be pressed in the coming debates, forums, and primaries about his proposals.

The Progressive Policy Institute (PPI) and two German think tanks, Das Progressive Zentrum and Alfred Herrhausen Gesellschaft, have joined forces on a three-year, comparative study of metro innovation. Please join us March 10, 2020 at the Line Hotel in Washington, D.C. for the U.S. launch of the project, New Urban Progress.

Tuesday, March 10th, 2020
Banneker Room at The LINE Hotel DC
1770 Euclid St NW, Washington, D.C. 20009
8:00 AM to 2:00 PM
The launch will feature conversations with prominent urban leaders and mayors (in formation), including:

  • Mayor Bill Peduto, Pittsburgh, PA
  • Mayor Levar Stoney, Richmond, VA
  • Former Mayor Sly James, Kansas City, MO

The program will also include a growing list of top metro analysts and practitioners:

  • Will Marshall – PPI President
  • Maria Skóra – Das Progressive Zentrum
  • Bruce Katz – The New Localism
  • Amy Lieu – Brookings Institution Metro Center
  • Evan Absher – Kauffman Foundation
  • Steven Bosaker – Director, GMF Cities
  • Elisabeth Mansfeld – Alfred Herrhausen Gesellschaft
  • Joda Thongnopnua – Metro Ideas Project, Chattanooga
  • Tracy Hadden Loh – Bass Center for Transformative Placemaking at Brookings Institution
  • Evan Dreyer – Deputy Chief of Staff, Mayor of Denver
  • Dane Stangler – PPI Director of Policy Innovation
  • Scott Andes – Carnegie Mellon Block Center
  • Sonya R. Porter – Census Bureau
  • Jenny Schuetz – Brookings Metropolitan Center
  • Crystal Swann – PPI Senior Fellow, CEO at CSwann Solutions, LLC

Lindsay Lewis, Executive Director, PPI

Some progressives insist on all-or-nothing over-regulation of the internet, while some conservatives contend that the best thing the federal government can do is nothing at all.
Elliott Long, Senior Economic Policy Analyst, PPI

Policymakers often overlook a critical component of the nation’s infrastructure: railroads. Indeed, the Bureau of Transportation Statistics estimates 25.5 billion tons of freight will be moved by 2045, a 37 percent increase compared to 2018.
Lindsay Lewis, Executive Director, PPI

The House is poised to vote on a bill that is a poster child for how Congress can’t seem to let reason and facts – rather than moral posturing and virtue signaling – drive policy.

The Progressive Policy Institute is a catalyst for policy innovation and political reform based in Washington, D.C. Its mission is to create radically pragmatic ideas for moving America beyond ideological and partisan deadlock. Join us on Facebook or Twitter on the road to November 2020.