Losing Tennessee means surrendering Senate control to the Democrats. Y’all – this is Marsha Blackburn. I’m sounding the alarm: A radical socialist – with deep connections in Democrat circles – just launched her campaign to defeat me. She knows all the Democrat power-brokers in D.C., and she has a long, progressive rap sheet to help her rake in tons of cash. So forgive me for being so blunt… I’m rushing to you for the first time since her announcement to ask you for a donation to hold the line in Tennessee. Whether you live in my state or not, this is one of the most important Senate races in America. If this socialist makes early inroads, national Democrats will smell blood in the water and earmark tens of millions of dollars for this single race. At that point, we might as well kiss our hopes of taking back the Senate GOODBYE. Because that’s really what’s at stake here… Losing Tennessee means surrendering Senate control to the Democrats. That’s why your contribution right now means EVERYTHING! My opponent is phoning up all the Liberal mega-donors West of the Mississippi, meeting with all the Democrat bigwigs in Nashville, and firing off emails and texts to her network of young socialist donors. But if this email actually works – and every Conservative reading it steps up – we will have the best fundraising day ever, outraise our new socialist opponent, and reduce her chances of winning Tennessee TO ZERO. This is my plan for victory, but it relies completely on folks like you digging deep. For it to work, I need your full commitment. Anything less than that, our plan will be derailed, and we could lose Tennessee to the socialists. Are you prepared to make that commitment for the good of our country? DONATE NOW Thank you and God bless, Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) Paid for by Capito for West Virginia | PO Box 11519, Charleston, WV 25339 Unsubscribe
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