
Attorney General William Barr is undermining our democracy by enabling Trump’s corruption.

Enough is enough.

Sign our joint petition to Congress to impeach Barr. Now more than ever America needs an independent Attorney General who will uphold the rule of law, not intervene on behalf of the president’s cronies.

Trump allowed interference in the 2016 election so he could get elected and use the office of the presidency to enrich himself at America’s expense.

And Attorney General Barr continues to undermine any accountability.

In a shocking move earlier this month, he personally intervened to reduce the sentence of Trump crony Roger Stone -- after the president tweeted to complain -- for impeding the congressional inquiry into foreign election interference in 2016.

He’s sending a message that Trump’s cronies can undermine our elections with impunity.

That’s completely unacceptable - and sends a dangerous message before national elections this year. Sign now to push back and demand Congress do its duty to uphold the rule of law, and protect our democracy by impeaching Barr.

We know what this administration is all about: Rigging the system to benefit wealthy donors and big corporations.

But, that agenda is not popular with everyday people. That’s why Trump depends on officials like Barr to stifle accountability for undermining our democracy.

Barr claims he can’t ‘do his job’ because of the president’s tweets -- but we know the truth: He’s only looking for cover so he can continue to effectively act as the president’s personal lawyer.

Sign our joint petition to fight back and we’ll send a message that we won’t tolerate Trump's corrupt administration.

Thank you for all you do,

The HAZMAT America Team


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