FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Sept. 20, 2023 Contact:?DNR Office of Communications [email protected]
Waterfowl Hunters: Wear Your Life Jackets
 Always wear a life jacket while waterfowl hunting ? don?t just pack it. / Photo Credit: Wisconsin DNR
MADISON, Wis.?? With more than 74,000 waterfowl hunters expected on waterways this year, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is reminding waterfowl hunters to follow best safety practices as they hit the water this season.
Wisconsin has had 18 boating accident deaths so far this year, according to DNR records. It?s important for hunters to follow these safety tips to prevent boating accidents and deaths:
- Always wear a life jacket ? don?t just pack it.
- Remember that water temperatures are cooling rapidly this time of year. A fall overboard can turn dangerous quickly as hypothermia sets in.
- Protect canine companions on the water ? they need life jackets, too.
- Never overload the boat. If hunting on a large river or lake, use a boat that is big enough to handle rough water.
- Balance the boat evenly and keep weight low for stability.
- LED lights should be left off as you navigate to and from your hunting spots, as it is critical to not obstruct the red/green navigation lights to include the standard 360 degree white stern light.
- Be on the lookout for elements outside of your control, such as changing weather, or a slightly submerged stump, rock, sandbar or floating debris.
- If in a boat or canoe with a hunting partner, establish and communicate a safe fire zone; do not stand to shoot if a partner is shooting from a seated position.
- Always carry a cell phone so communication can happen in case of an emergency.
?Hunters should also be aware of the danger of waders on the water. If a boat capsizes and the hunter is ejected, waders can fill with water, creating suction around the hunter?s legs and feet, making it difficult to remove the waders,? said Lt. Darren Kuhn, DNR Boating Safety Administrator. ?This added water weight greatly increases the risk of drowning. Wearing a life jacket can help keep hunters afloat.?
One wearable life jacket is required for each person on board a boat and must fit properly. In addition to the wearable life jackets, a throwable personal flotation device, such as a ring buoy or standard seat cushion, is required for every boat longer than 16 feet.
For a complete guide to regulations and law changes, reference?the 2023 Combined Wisconsin Hunting Regulations booklet.