Sept 22nd, 1PM ET: How and Why to Research Your Local Chambers of Commerce
Chambers of commerce are coalitions that work to advance an extractive, pro-corporate political agenda, especially at the state and local level. This training will explore how chambers of commerce wield power and tools for researching your local chamber.
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Oct 26th, 12PM ET: Researchers Against the War Machine: Lessons from NARMIC
From the late 1960s through the mid-1980s, an organization called National Action/Research on the Military-Industrial Complex – or just “NARMIC” – provided crucial research support for anti-war, anti-nuclear, and anti-apartheid movements in the U.S. From mapping top weapons contractors and war profiteers, to producing research guides on stockholder meetings, to publishing analyses of the U.S. defense budget, NARMIC concretely aided local and national movements that directly confronted the corporate power behind U.S. militarism.
LittleSis is excited to host NARMIC veteran Diana Roose for a discussion about the life and legacies of NARMIC and what we can learn from it today.
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Nov 21st, 5:30PM ET: Preview The New “Map The Power” Toolkit and Learn How to Build Your Own Power Map Using Oligrapher
We just redesigned our popular Map The Power toolkit with more research tips and tricks, instructional videos, and illustrative graphics to help you build your power research skills! During this webinar training we will show off the newly redesigned toolkit and demo how to map the power using Oligrapher, our data visualization tool.
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