My story of meeting Jeffrey Epstein is unusual. Fortunately for me, I didn’t end up one of his victims. At the time, I was 27 years old and, by then, too old and well-connected (and protected) for his tastes.
We met in Aspen, Colorado. He was charming, funny, and attentive. He offered me a ride back to NYC on his private jet. With several friends in common, I had no reason to suspect the darkness that hid behind his glamorous facade.
Shortly thereafter, he invited me down to his palatial estate in Palm Beach, but once I arrived, I knew something was wrong. He was naked in his pool, making calls. When I declined to similarly disrobe, he started making vulgar remarks about my bathing suit and make-up.
Before I tell you the rest of my story, allow me to introduce myself (Please keep reading).
My name is Jennifer Grossman (JAG), and I serve as the CEO of The Atlas Society. Our mission is to engage young people with the ideas of Ayn Rand in creative ways to equip the next generation with the virtues of reason, productivity, and achievement.
In a world in which young women, in particular, are vulnerable to the irrational, destructive woke agenda of the left—peddling victimhood, envy, resentment, fear, and entitlement—Ayn Rand’s inspiring female protagonists and her empowering message of individualism and freedom, can help young women defend themselves against predators, whether dangerous deviants like Jeffrey Epstein, or predatory leftists seeking to prey on gullibility to amass power.
You can support The Atlas Society’s mission by donating $10, $50, $100, $250, $500, $1,000 or ANY amount by clicking here >>>
The rest of my story with Jeffrey Epstein: ⬇️⬇️⬇️
Fortunately, I believe Epstein recognized I was not a suitable candidate to become one of his victims. At 27 years old, I was already 13 years older than his oldest victim.
Predators like Epstein are also experts at recognizing the weak and vulnerable—and avoiding those with experience and resources.
Why am I telling you this story, and how does it relate to our mission at The Atlas Society?
Here’s the ugly truth: The story of Jeffrey Epstein is about more than perversion and predation. It’s about power — gaining power over his victims and wielding power over the rich and powerful he hoped to ensnare in his network.
His strategy was all about finding shortcuts, cutting corners, and manipulating others. He didn’t seek productive win-win relationships with equals but rather sought to bring others (girls and peers) down to his own depraved level. He didn’t seek to live with integrity — he sought to destroy it in others.
It’s the absolute antithesis of the vision presented in Ayn Rand’s novels like Atlas Shrugged and The Fountainhead, where heroic entrepreneurs and independent creative geniuses pursue lives of productivity and integrity.
Even critics of Ayn Rand’s fiction acknowledge that her villains are eerily accurate characterizations of the moochers, looters, and second-handers we see around us — people trying to get something for nothing, not by bringing their best efforts and ideas to the table, but by promoting fear and victimhood to exploit others.
At The Atlas Society, we’re helping young people recognize — and defend themselves — against such parasites.
In a day and age where daily book reading has plummeted 85% since the late 1970s, we introduce young people to Rand’s philosophy of individualism, honesty, and responsibility through wildly creative means such as graphic novels, animated videos, edgy social media, as well as weekly events and our annual student conference.
I am asking you to consider supporting The Atlas Society’s mission by helping us reach our goal of raising $25,000 from new online donors in the next 48 hours. Can I count on your support? Please use one of the links below to make an URGENT donation.
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The Jeffrey Epstein story isn’t over yet:
Here are two of his greatest unsolved mysteries:
We may never have these answers as insiders, our corrupt justice system, and some big names do NOT want us to discover the truth.
Yes, Jeffrey Epstein is dead.
However, corrupt men like Jeffrey Epstein continue to live at large and use blackmail, fraud, and the evils of big government to obtain money, fame, and power.
The Atlas Society and Ayn Rand’s message provides the next generation with a different path, hope, and a brighter future.
You and I MUST reject the status quo.
Ideas like socialism and big government aren’t just bad… They are evil!
We must stop believing that the use of force to obtain money, power, and fame is the answer to any of our problems.
Please join The Atlas Society and help us spread our message of reason, capitalism, rational self-interest, and achievement by making a donation. You can click here to donate $10, $50, $100, $250, $500, $1,000 or ANY amount.
Reminder: Our goal is to raise $25,000 from new online supporters in the next 48 hours. So please make your donation before you do anything else today.
Thank you,
Jennifer Grossman (JAG)
The Atlas Society
The Atlas Society is a 501(c)(3) Not For Profit Organization. All donations are tax-deductible.