CP and YCL marches to end fossil fuels and war

By Communist Party USA

Around 60 members of the Communist Party USA and Young Communist League from across the country gathered in New York City on Sunday, September 17th to join the anti-militarism hub of a mass environmental justice mobilization.

“We marched fists up, 75,000 strong for climate justice at the March to End Fossil Fuels!” says CPUSA co-chair Joe Sims.


Good morning, revolution! Workers rising edition

By Communist Party USA

During Hispanic History Month, a Texas judge rejects DACA; abortion bans violate the right to life; UAW on strike; the Sept. 17 March to End Fossil Fuels; and mailbag.

Justice for the Jacksonville three

By African American Equality Commission, CPUSA

Justice for A.J. Laguerre, Angela Michelle Carr, and Jerrald De’Shaun Gallion means building a mass democratic movement to uproot systemic racism.

Ohio CP: Ta’Kiya Young’s murderer must be fired and charged

By Ohio District, CPUSA

On Aug. 24th, officer Conner Grubb murdered Ta'Kiya Young, a young mother of two and pregnant with a baby daughter. The Ohio CP stands with the family in demanding justice.

International notes: Communists worldwide demand democracy and peace

By CPUSA International Department

Communists in Bangladesh and Peru are demanding democratic reforms. In Switzerland and South Africa, they are calling for peace and opposing U.S. interventions.

Ukrainian Communist Party leader arrested

By C.J. Atkins

Attacks on the Communist Party of Ukraine date back to the 2014 U.S.-backed “Euromaidan” coup.

National Marxist School 2023: Working-class USA

September 23–30.

This school will focus on the theory and composition of the U.S. working class, the "forces of production," U.S. class structure, special oppression, and the relationship between the class struggle and the struggle for democracy.

As Marx famously wrote, "The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." When you join the CPUSA, you will be connected with a local club engaged in daily on-the-ground struggles for a better world. That is where the rubber meets the road, and our working class and people need you in the fight.

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