Texas Values Action’s 2020 Republican Primary Faith & Family Endorsements

Make plans to vote! Today is the last day to early vote in Texas’ Primary Election, and Election Day is this coming Tuesday, March 3rd. Primary elections in Texas are often the most important election that will play the deciding role in who will represent our values in elected office. And with less than 20% of eligible voters usually voting in a primary, every primary vote can carry more weight than during the November General Election.

We are proud to recommend to you our 2020 Republican Primary Faith & Family Endorsements. These men and women have demonstrated a firm commitment to protecting faith, family, and freedom. Texas Values Action only endorses candidates who share in our mission to ensure Texas is a state in which religious liberty flourishes, families prosper, and every human life is valued.


CD 1: Louie Gohmert
CD 3: Van Taylor
CD 4: John Ratcliffe
CD 6: Ron Wright
CD 8: Kevin Brady
CD 9: Johnny Teague
CD 11: Jamie Berryhill
CD 13: Chris Ekstrom
CD 16: Irene Aremendariz-Jackson
CD 17: George Hindman
CD 20: Dominick Dina
CD 21: Chip Roy
CD 22: Kathaleen Wall
CD 23: Raul Reyes
CD 25: Roger Williams
CD 31: John Carter

Texas Senate

SD 1: Bryan Hughes
SD 4: Brandon Creighton
SD 11: Larry Taylor
SD 12: Jane Nelson
SD 18: Lois Kolkhorst
SD 19: Peter Flores
SD 21: Frank Pomeroy
SD 22: Brian Birdwell
SD 24: Dawn Buckingham

Texas House

HD 3: Cecil Bell, Jr
HD 5: Cole Hefner
HD 6: Matt Schaefer
HD 15: Steve Toth
HD 17: John Cyrier
HD 20: Terry Wilson
HD 23: Mayes Middleton
HD 24: Greg Bonnen
HD 25: Rhonda Seth
HD 33: Justin Holland
HD 45: Carrie Isaac
HD 47: Jennifer Fleck and Aaron Reitz
HD 56: Charles “Doc” Anderson
HD 58: DeWayne Burns
HD 60: Jon Francis
HD 61: Phil King
HD 63: Tan Parker
HD 66: Matt Shaheen
HD 67: Jeff Leach
HD 68: Drew Springer
HD 69: James Frank
HD 70: Scott Sanford
HD 73: Kyle Biedermann
HD 83: Dustin Burrows
HD 89: Candy Noble
HD 91: Stephanie Klick
HD 92: Jeff Cason
HD 93: Matt Krause
HD 94: Tony Tinderholt
HD 102: Rick Walker
HD 106: Jared Patterson
HD 121: Steve Allison
HD 128: Briscoe Cain
HD 130: Tom Oliverson
HD 132: Mike Schofield
HD 133: Jim Murphy
HD 138: Lacey Hull
HD 150: Valoree Swanson


Texas Court of Criminal Appeals Place 3: Gina Parker
431st District Court Judge: Jim Johnson


Bexar County Commissioner Pct. 3: Weston Martinez
Collin County Commissioner Pct. 1: Susan Fletcher
Collin County Commissioner Pct. 3: Darrell Hale

Another great way you can make a difference is to volunteer for Texas Values Action’s endorsed candidates. With just a few days remaining before Primary Election Day on March 3rd, many campaigns need help from block walking to phone banking to working at polling locations.

Volunteering for a campaign can be a great civic lesson for your entire family while helping elect pro-faith and family candidates!



View The Most Comprehensive Voters Guide in Texas

In addition to our endorsements, Texas Values Action also has another great resource - our Primary Voters Guide available at FreeVotersGuide.com. Our 2020 Texas Primary Voters Guide, powered by iVoterGuide, is the most comprehensive statewide voters guide in Texas! It is completely updated and more powerful than ever – with candidate evaluations from grassroots panelists from across the state, voting records and scores, endorsement information, information on where a candidate’s money comes from, and a key issue questionnaire.

The guide will equip you on all the federal, statewide, state, and State Board of Education candidates in contested races. You can also help spread the word by sharing our Free Voters Guide resources with your church and with your family and friends.



Help Equip Your Church & Pastor

Texas Values is committed to ensuring that churches and pastors are equipped to know their rights as it relates to elections. Many churches and pastors feel called by scripture to “equip the saints” to represent Christ in all areas of our society, including the voting booth. With this Sunday being the last Sunday before Election Day, please consider sharing our new video and our churches & elections handout to help equip your church and pastor. Learn more.

FRC’s Tony Perkins Joins Program

On the most recent edition of the Texas Values Report, our good friend Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council, joined the program. Texas Values is the state family policy council recognized by the Family Research Council. On the program, Perkins talked with our policy advisor Mary Elizabeth Castle about the importance of Christians participating in the political process. You can watch or listen to the show.


Texas Values Action is the 501(c)(4) advocacy arm of Texas Values, a non-profit organization dedicated to standing for faith, family, and freedom in Texas. Copyright © 2020 Texas Values Action, All rights reserved.



Texas Values Action
900 Congress Ave.
Suite L115
Austin, Texas 78701
(512) 478-2220