Everyday I hear about the need for access to reproductive healthcare, affordable childcare, safe streets and strong public schools.
Instead, Republicans in Wisconsin are only looking backwards at the 2020 election, attempting to fire nonpartisan election officials, and trying to impeach an elected state supreme court justice all before she has heard a single case. This is a pure abuse of power, and I need your help to stop them.
Everything they are doing is a desperate attempt to hold onto power. I am going to be one of their top targets next year, and the best way to stop them is to show that I have the support of a lot of people like you. Can you pitch in to help?
I was elected to the Wisconsin Senate to be a good neighbor and support the people I represent. The last few weeks have shown the Republicans in the Wisconsin Legislature are only looking out for themselves. Together, we can prove the people of Wisconsin are having it.
Thank you so much for all you do,
Brad Pfaff