Jack, if everyone reading this email donated just $1 we would reach our fundraising goal.
However, not everyone is in a position to donate, and that's ok. We totally get that! It's why we don't have a paywall, or limit the number of articles you can read, or have subscriber-only content. We believe everyone should have access to our news and activism content.
Your donations help us keep Daily Kos accessible to everyone, but it's more than just that. We don't have some billionaire backers or big corporate sponsors that use their checkbook to drive our agenda. Grassroots donations of just a few dollars at a time from our readers and activists are our largest source of revenue. This means we can remain fully independent, accessible and accountable to you, Jack. We know that in order to keep operating, we have to fight and deliver for what you believe in.
We need to raise another $185,781 to reach our September fundraising goal. You can help us keep Daily Kos independent and accessible for everyone with a donation of $5 today.
Thank you for all you do,
Amanda McKay, Daily Kos
If you wish to donate by mail instead, please send a check to Daily Kos, PO Box 70036, Oakland, CA, 94612. Contributions to Daily Kos are not tax deductible.
Sent via ActionNetwork.org.
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