Dear Friend,
On this feast day of Our Lady of La
Salette, how about we
strengthen our commitment to approaching the Holy Eucharist worthily.
Let us never approach Our Lord automatically. Instead, yearn for receiving His Body, Blood, Soul and
Divinity. Think of Psalm 52 as you prepare your soul: As the deer pants for the water brooks, So
pants my soul for You, O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living
It is an honor that The Catholic
Company, a trusted resource for Catholics for more than 20 years, sent
an email to their subscribers describing why Raymond Cardinal Burke’s
book, was written for the laity: Respecting the Body & Blood of the Lord: When Holy Communion
Should Be Denied, wasn’t
just to be read by priests, like the inaugural version that Catholic
Action for Faith and Family sent to every bishop, priest, and deacon
in the country!
In the email, which I am sharing,
The Catholic Company offered exceptional and inspiring comments on
Cardinal Burke’s words. They signify receiving Our Lord more worthily,
citing laws that keep the reception as a sacred act of worship,
ensuring due reverence, clarifying our Faith and bringing us closer to
Jesus’ Sacred Heart.
Respecting The Body & Blood Of The
Lord will help you to understand difficult
topics such as:
- What the
saints have to say about the proper reception Holy Communion &
what it means
- The
invisible bond that unites us all as Catholics to each other & to
- The
circumstances that call for a person to abstain from receiving Holy
- The
insidious fruits of scandalous behavior and the “objective harm” that
- When a
communicant should be denied Holy Communion (and to whom this
- And many
more answers to your questions on this current cultural
Each chapter clearly spells out key
aspects and points to ponder on how to receive Holy Communion in a
worthy manner and fully benefit from the graces received each
And some of these questions and
reflections are so practical that they may radically
change how you receive Holy Communion every Sunday!
Each time we receive Holy
Communion, at the heart of the matter, is the greatest opportunity we
have to more deeply encounter the love in Jesus’ Heart.
But growing in union with Jesus
through Holy Communion doesn’t just happen.
It needs to be nurtured.
It needs to be
It needs to be fostered.
Catholic Action remains committed
to our Faithful Echo Movement program and campaign. Our goal is to let
the true sound of the bell of Truth signify the call for the Mystical
Body of Christ to get back to the basics of doctrine and morals and to
bearing witness to the timeless and universal attributes of Truth,
Goodness and Beauty.
If you wish to order Raymond
Cardinal Burke’s Book, click the
link below:
The Body & Blood of the Lord: When Holy Communion Should Be
Yours in the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the
Immaculate Heart of Mary,

Thomas J McKenna
Founder and President
Catholic Action for Faith and Family
Follow us on:
P.S. If you have not submitted
your intentions for the Three Holy Masses, from 9/21-9/23, which includes the Feast Day of St. Padre
Pio, please do so now.