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This design element features a red background and the PEAK logo above. In the red in white lettering reads PEAK Monthly.
Three covers of Steward Responsively documents are arranged stacked on top of each other. They are varying shades of teal and dark teal with white text.


Envisioning Your Role as a Responsive Steward

Earlier this year, PEAK released a suite of resources supporting our Steward Responsively Principle, which calls on grantmakers to reframe risk and to recalibrate their vetting process to make it more transparent, more trust-based, more nonprofit- and community-centered, and less burdensome. Being a change agent for responsive stewardship begins with three actions, which we explore via three how-to guides that are exclusive to Organization Members.

Here, we share highlights from these resources to help you develop a deeper understanding of the actions you can take to embed equity in how you vet grant applicants, assess nonprofit financials, and deploy technology.

Teresita Maz's quote is stylized in white text on a red background. It reads: Being a board member gives me the opportunity to have a 360-degree view of the field and better understand the challenges and opportunities ahead for transformational change.


Last Call for PEAK Board Nominations

We’re seeking to add three to five new directors for the 2024–27 term who are deeply committed to equity-centered practices, highly engaged in our community, and who understand and advocate for our Principles, mission, and values. We are also seeking candidates with experience in learning and evaluation, finance and audit, and the ability and interest to support PEAK's financial sustainability. We are committed to having a diverse board with regard to personal demographics, organization type, job band, and region. Learn more about board member qualifications, capabilities, and the nominations process here.

If you know an amazing PEAK colleague who could be a great addition to our board, please nominate them to serve or encourage them to nominate themselves. The deadline is September 30. 

Screenshot of PEAK's resources web pages showing PEAK2023 keynote recordings wiht portraits of speakers


PEAK2023 Recordings Now On Demand

Our four PEAK2023 keynotes have just been added to our website and are all openly available to the community. In addition, Organization Members can now log in to access recordings of the 14 hybrid sessions. Visit the Resources page any time to access our growing collection of on-demand tool kits, reports, how-to guides, and webinars—all searchable using the drop-down filters by content type, Principle, and topic. 

Rahmirah is smiling in her headshot. She is a Black woman with shoulder-length hair and is wearing a black blazer.


Staffing Update

We are delighted to welcome Rahmirah Gardner, who joins the membership and community engagement team as member services coordinator. In addition, on the communications team, Jesse Rhodes’s title has changed to publications editor. We also said farewell to Uche Ajene, with appreciation for her contributions to PEAK and best wishes on her career journey.

Welcome, New Organization Members

Cogan Associates
The George Gund Foundation
Kate B. Reynolds Charitable Trust
Schultz Family Foundation


#PhilanthropyDayofAction for the Charitable Act

On October 4, PEAK joins United Philanthropy Forum, philanthropy-supporting peers, and the Charitable Giving Coalition—which is made up of nearly 200 national organizations—in mobilizing the sector for a day of action to advocate for passage of the Charitable Act in the House and Senate. 

When adjusted for inflation, individual giving dropped 13.4 percent from 2021 to 2022, signaling both an urgent need and an opportunity to make the case and tell Congress that now is the time to make the universal charitable deduction a reality. The Charitable Act would restore the non-itemized charitable deduction and raise the caps, incentivizing millions more Americans who don’t itemize to give and support their communities. 

Help us build a groundswell of support to urge Congress to take action. Tap into the Forum’s Advocate Action Center to support your outreach asking lawmakers to cosponsor the bill or encourage their colleagues to cosponsor the bill. And please follow PEAK on LinkedIn so you can amplify our campaign to your followers.

Our Gratitude

Thank you to W.K. Kellogg Foundation, Rosenberg Foundation, and Zegar Family Foundation for the unrestricted grants.


September 21
Monthly Coffee Hour
(PEAK Pacific Northwest)

September 21
Emergency Grantmaking
(PEAK Northeast)

September 25
Ask Me Anything: Volunteering for PEAK’s board

September 26
Grantmaker Myth Busting
(PEAK Rocky Mountain)

September 28
How Grantmaking Intelligence Can Turn Your Reporting Headaches Into Data Dreams (Fluxx)

September 28
Financial Due Diligence and Grantee Financial Health
(PEAK Florida)



PEAK offers members diverse peer spaces for learning, sharing, and evolving in our thriving chapters and peer groups. Each month, we showcase the meaningful programming and networking taking place in these volunteer-led spaces. 

PEAK Rocky Mountain, along with a number of fellow Colorado based philanthropy-supporting organizations, cohosted a party with a cause. Conceptualized by Vu Le, the Party to Enhance Equity in Philanthropy (PEEP) was an opportunity that brought together nonprofit and philanthropic leaders to mix, mingle, and discuss tools that support breaking down inherent power dynamics that arise in funder and nonprofit relationships.

PEAK Delaware Valley hosted a discussion that centered on cultivating authentic relationships with the communities we serve. Featured speaker De’Amon Harges shared the importance of listening to one another, why it is imperative to actively and meaningfully involve community residents and organizations in our grantmaking, and how we can develop authentic relationships and partnerships with communities as philanthropists.

PEAK in Community 

Here’s the latest on how PEAK is engaging with members, partners, nonprofits, and allies in advocating for transformative change and leading the way in advancing equitable and effective grantmaking practices.

President and CEO Satonya Fair delivered her lecture “From Scarcity to Abundance” to the Bowie State University Philanthropy Initiative. As newcomers to philanthropy, fellows were invited to carefully examine how scarcity mindsets present within the philanthropic ecosystem, particularly in funding and operational practices at funding institutions. Philanthropy is a resource and idea as rich as our communities and the nonprofits that do the hard work on the ground. With an abundance mindset to frame this work, we can move more quickly toward solutions. Satonya is also joining Bowie State’s Advisory Committee to support this fellowship and other key initiatives.

Senior Communications Director Betsy Reid participated in the Catchafire online panel discussion “Bridging the Communications Gap Between Funders and Nonprofits” alongside three sector communications colleagues: Helen Shum, Meyer Memorial Trust; Kathleen Murphy Toms, GivingTuesday; and Erin Dreiling, Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta. The conversation delved into how strategic communications can strengthen foundation-grantee relationships by demonstrating the values of trust, inclusion, and true partnership.

The fie panelists are featured in Zoom windows.


The Latest on PEAK’s Job Board

Explore career opportunities from across our member community. Searching for a new team member? PEAK members are invited to add job postings at no cost. Simply log in, complete a brief form, and your post will be added shortly.


Here are a few current opportunities:

  • Program Officer | Perenchio Foundation, Los Angeles, CA 
  • Analyst, Integrated Initiatives – Grants | TCC Group, New York, NY 
  • Manager, Grants Management | Margaret A. Cargill Philanthropies, Eden Prairie, MN | Minneapolis, MN | St. Paul, MN 
  • Grants Manager | Caring for Colorado, Denver, CO 
  • Scholarship Intern | Maine Community Foundation, Portland, ME | Remote 
  • Analyst, Grant Systems | Getty Foundation/J. Paul Getty Trust, Los Angeles, CA | Hybrid

PEAK Grantmaking
1701 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Suite 200
Washington, DC 20006-1242

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