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The field is set. The race is heating up. And Eric’s End of Quarter Fundraising Deadline is coming up next week.

We’re hoping to raise another $10,000 from our friends and supporters online before the fundraising deadline.

Can you chip in $5, $10, $15, or even $100 to get Eric’s message out to Hoosier voters?

DONATE $5: End of Quarter Deadline
DONATE $10: End of Quarter Deadline
DONATE $15: End of Quarter Deadline

Eric’s been out working hard, winning votes, and getting out his message: Indiana deserves bold leadership, rooted in faith, to save our small towns and make Indiana a top 5 state in the nation.

Just in the last several weeks we’re seeing Eric’s message resonate:

…With a statewide ad campaign
…With a grassroots movement of Hoosier volunteers on the ground
…And as the only candidate who’s willing to put their plans on paper

We would be honored if you could make a contribution of $5, $15, $50, or even $100 before the End of Quarter Deadline next week.

As always, thank you for your support and dedication to our shared vision for Indiana’s future.

Team Doden


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