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CTV Alert

Sept 19th, 2023

We need your voice now!

Dear Friends,

We're still fighting to protect health and safety standards for women. Abortion is a terrible evil, but even abortion clinics should be subject to common sense regulations just like medical facilities. Women have the right to know that their health and safety are a priority in any clinical location—including abortion clinics—and any incidents or statistics are reported (just like they are for other medical facilities & hospitals). 

The so-called "Reproductive Health Act" (RHA) will remove these important safeguards. If this bill package passes, it will remove the ban on partial-birth abortions, the law requiring humane disposal of fetal remains, and more. We need your help!


Reach out to your legislators TODAY! You can start by finding who represents you in the House at the button below. NOTE: Both Republicans and Democrats need to hear from us.

Call, email, or text as many legislators as you can. Ask them to vote NO on the Reproductive Health Act.

View Michigan Representatives

Polling shows that over 90% of Michigan voters support regulation that requires abortion facilities to be licensed and inspected by the state for health and safety reasons.

For more details, see our testimony and official news release.

CTV Testimony
Coalition News Release