Dear John,

Today at 2PM Eastern Time the House Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution and Limited Government will be holding an historic hearing on term limits for Congress.

You can watch it on You Tube here.

USTL's Executive Director Nick Tomboulides will be testifying in support of H.J.R. 11, our term limits amendment that places term limits on both members of the House and Senate.

I hope you will watch!  

It's important that the professional politicians know the voters are watching their every move.

This is an historic moment for term limits.  

The House hasn't had hearings on term limits in over a generation.

The professional politicians are trying to amend H.J.R. 11 in order to kill it.

103 House members are cosponsoring our amendment so there could be some fireworks at the hearing.

Please tune in if you can.  Please ask everyone you know to do so, too.

And if you can't make the live broadcast, we'll send out a link to the replay.

Cross your fingers and here we go!


Philip Blumel
U.S. Term Limits

U.S. Term Limits
1250 Connecticut Avenue NW Suite 700  | Washington, District of Columbia 20036
(202) 261-3532 | [email protected]

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