Tamie and I have news for them. Those of us that want to protect Democracy, build a better and fairer world with more and better opportunities, and who want to see government work to improve the lives of the American People can stick together too. That is why I am introducing you to Tamie Wilson.
Tamie is an entrepreneur, and small business owner who has experienced her share of adversity. She was able to overcome the challenges in her path and build a better life for her family, and she is running for Congress to ensure that all Americans have those same opportunities. You can learn more about Tamie on her website TamieWilson.com
Can you pitch-in $25, $50, $100, $250 or more to support Tami and I as we fight to defat Jim Jordan and Scott Perry? CLICK here to donate now.
You'll be hearing more from both of us, and in the months ahead, Tamie and I will be working together to help each other build the strongest campaigns possible. We’re sticking together, just like Jordan and Perry. What makes us stronger than them is all of you. Together, we are all fighting to end the extremist politics of Donald Trump, Scott Perry, Jim Jordan, and the Freedom Caucus, and together WE CAN WIN!
With gratitude,