John, voting is our chance to have a say in the future of our families and communities. And today, on National Voter Registration Day, we have our work cut out for us.
As a Common Cause member, you might be more up to speed, but did you know 1 in 4 Americans isn’t registered to vote? There’s a good chance some of your friends, family members, or neighbors are included in that number.
And we know one of the most effective ways to get these people to register is if they’re asked to by someone they know.
So, do you have five minutes to help me celebrate National Voter Registration Day? You can start by double-checking your voter registration, making sure it’s updated if need be, or registering to vote.
Then — and here’s the important part — share this voter registration reminder with FIVE friends so they can make sure they’re ready to vote as well! You can use our sharing tools here. >>
Our right to vote is crucial to creating a future we're excited about and proud to be a part of. It has never been more important to encourage others to join us as we work together for our country, our communities, and our democracy.
John, we can’t let anything stand in the way of ensuring voters statewide have the information and resources they need to register to vote — a critical component of a free, fair, and accessible election.
Are you ready to vote? Get registered or check if your voter registration is up to date. Then use our share tools to make sure your friends are ready to vote as well. >>
Thanks for all you do,
Jordan Johnson, State Digital Campaigner
and the team at Common Cause