President Biden Needs Us.
It is time we Democrats stick together and defend President Biden. Not because we want to emulate the MAGA cult with their blind loyalty to Trump. No, **we need to defend President Biden because of the historic progress he has delivered for our country.**
Let's not forget that when President Biden took over, democracy itself was in jeopardy. Our nation's capital was attacked, and we as a nation were still trying to recover from the toll that took on us. In addition, we were in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, and thousands of Americans were dying on a daily basis. Couple that with all kinds of economic instability, again as a result of Trump's reckless economic policies and even worse handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. How quickly we forget all of these extraordinary circumstances the president inherited and gracefully guided us through it all.
Bidenomics is Working!
Bidenomics is working. The first thing President Biden did was put Americans back to work. Under President Biden, over 13,000,000 jobs have been added to the economy, and we have record-low unemployment quarter after quarter.
Folks, that's not an accident. We don't just magically get those numbers. They are brought to fruition because our commander-in-chief made it possible. And unlike Trump, he is not taking credit for everything himself. Quite the opposite. President Biden attributes the economic success of our nation to the strong cabinet and advisors he has surrounded himself with. President Biden's cabinet is the most diverse in US history. Again, that is not an accident. It is by design, and it is working.
An Ally of The Working-Class
We as Democrats are not naïve. We know it is not all rainbows and butterflies around the country. People are struggling because inflation has taken a toll on millions of Americans. And that is why **President Biden has stood firmly on the side of labor**. We as Democrats stand in solidarity with the United Auto Workers and their plight for living wages for their members, along with the talented folks that make up the entertainment industry, both writers and actors.
**We are witnessing a labor uprising we have not seen in a very long time**. And we stand with labor and the American workers that make up an incredibly resilient and talented workforce.
Cable news pundits, online personalities, and the MAGA GOP have taken every opportunity to attack and spread lies about President Biden.
**Let's take this opportunity to join together and fight back**. Help us reach folks on the fence in rural America. The summer fundraising months are thankfully over. I love summer just as much as the next person, but they are brutal in our line of work. Our reserves are near empty, and we need those funds in order to keep pushing forward and put in the work that is needed to win a national election that's just a little over a year away. [**Please consider pitching in today. And as always, thank you for your support!**]([link removed])
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-Hassan Martini
Executive Director
No Dem Left Behind
🏛️ Defend the Presidency 🏛️
No Dem Left Behind PAC
80M St. SE Suite 100
Washington D.C. 20003
Paid for by No Dem Left Behind PAC.
Not authorized by any federal candidate or candidate's committee.
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