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In this newsletter: Pittsburgh high schools with fewer students have higher overhead costs, which does not necessarily reflect improved student outcomes. PublicSource launches a new series, Uneven Scales.

Also, this is the first college application season since the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that universities can no longer consider an applicant’s race in the admissions process. Universities are now attempting new ways to recruit diversely while applicants adjust their tactics.

Our top story

For Pittsburgh schools, per-student budgets can be thousands of dollars apart

Pittsburgh Public Schools faces the sunset of federal relief funds and contends with half-empty schools. Individual school budgets suggest that some smaller schools may face budget scrutiny.

Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank leverages the power of community to achieve lasting solutions to hunger and its root causes. Doing so helps ensure everyone can have access to the food and resources they need to thrive.


With affirmative action out, Pittsburgh college applicants ask: Does race have a place?


Violins of Hope Greater Pittsburgh: Holocaust’s lessons become music of perseverance.

Join us for the third-annual Rust Belt & Appalachia Documentary Film Festival, presented by The Video Consortium. It’s a screening series of recent nonfiction cinema produced in our region. Filmmakers, journalists and creatives come together to celebrate and explore our region’s identity and culture while making new connections. This year, we will be screening an incredible selection of short and feature documentary films over the course of two days, in addition to workshops and panel discussions. Don’t miss out!



Transformative arts in education: Rivers of Steel engages students and communities through impactful murals


Just two doctors serve this small Alabama town. What's next when they want to retire?



Avoid the ‘bad’ kid? Or invite them back to the team? Imagine that’s your child

Thank you to those who became supporters of PublicSource's journalism Sept. 12 - 18: Diane, Harry, Jayne, Karen, Kate, Leanne, Nancy B. and Nancy L. Join them by giving today!

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