Will you join me by signing on to the UAW’s petition for a new contract?

American auto workers have seen their average real hourly earnings fall 19.3% since the 2008 taxpayer-funded auto bailout. Meanwhile, pay for CEOs at the Big 3 auto companies is up 40% — all while they’re handing out $66 BILLION in stock buybacks and dividends to their shareholders.
So now, auto workers across the United States are striking for a new contract. They’re fighting for fair wages, job security, and to protect the middle-class way of life they’ve spent decades building and defending in our country.

I was proud to stand in solidarity with striking auto workers from UAW Local 2250 at the GM plant in Wentzville on Friday. So today I wanted to reach out and ask, will you join me in supporting these workers by signing on to the UAW’s petition for a new contract today?
Generations of workers just like the ones striking today fought for the workplace protections we all take for granted. We have a duty to stand with them as they fight for the fair pay, benefits, and job security they’ve earned.
In solidarity,
Lucas Kunce