Read these names, John --

Mitch McConnell.
Susan Collins.
Martha McSally.
Cory Gardner.
Lindsey Graham.
Thom Tillis.
Joni Ernst.
Kelly Loeffler.

These eight Senate Republicans all voted to acquit Donald Trump this month after blocking firsthand witness testimony and critical evidence from being heard in the impeachment trial.

These eight Senate Republicans prevented the truth about our president from coming to light and now they are all accepting help from Trump and the national Republican Party.

But John, these eight Senate Republicans are all vulnerable and beatable in this election. Many are already trailing Democratic candidates, and if we defeat just four of them, Democrats take back the Senate.

Rush a donation of $10 or more before our end-of-month fundraising deadline tomorrow to ensure we have the resources to fight back and flip enough seats to take back the Senate:

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Thanks for turning your frustration into action by supporting Demcoratic candidates running in battleground Senate races. Your support is fueling this big surge for Democrats, and we appreciate it.

— Flip the Senate