It’s been 55 years since our sisters and brothers linked arms and took the brave walk across the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, Alabama. As they made their way over the bridge, state troopers beat and knocked them down with batons, tear gas and fists. They were marching for the right to vote, the right to be treated equally, and the right to be seen as American citizens.

We are going back to Alabama this weekend, with a Mass Meeting tonight in Mobile and a Mass Moral Monday in Birmingham as part of the MORE Tour, participating in events on Saturday and Sunday in Selma, and crossing the Edmund Pettus Bridge once again. Please join us online via the livestream on our Facebook page.

Today, we are still pushing back against many of the same battles that we were fighting more than five decades ago. This is why we are Mobilizing, Organizing, Registering and Educating for a movement of people that votes, that will make itself seen and heard at the Mass Poor People’s Assembly and Moral March on Washington on June 20, 2020.

In commemoration of that Bloody Sunday in Selma, we are asking everyone to use this Selma Digital Toolkit over this weekend to amplify June 20, 2020 on social media. We need to get the word out far and wide, and get folks registered to come to D.C.!

Rev. Barber will also issue a call Sunday from Twitter for 55,000 people in each Super Tuesday state to bring five new voters to the polls. Please retweet from his Twitter account (@RevDrBarber).

With a little under four months until we gather in Washington, the planning, organizing and mobilizing is well under way! The housing site for June 20 is now live – book early for best rates.

We are also working with D.C. congregations, hostels, universities, conference centers and others to find low-cost options for people and delegations coming for June 20, 2020. Check back on this site soon as we will begin publishing those resources as soon as they are confirmed.

If you have housing needs for a group, or if you or your congregation or organization would like to offer hospitality to folks coming for June 20, 2020, from out of town, please email Tia Pickeral at [email protected].

Forward together,

Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival

PS: If you agree that we need to build a broad and deep national moral movement – rooted in the leadership of poor people – to unite our country from the bottom up, and are able to join us as a monthly sustainer, please join us with your financial support. Contributions at any amount will be put to good use.

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