Justice has finally prevailed, albeit late and at a price. I am so glad that my good friend and the best AG in America, Ken Paxton is now able to get back to work for the great people of Texas...much to the chagrin of the uniparty and their attempt to nullify 4.3 million votes.
I was proud to stand up and support Ken from the very beginning. A special thank you to Charlie Kirk, Newsmax, Rich Baris, and everyone else who invited me on their shows to support AG Ken Paxton. I will continue my unwavering support and look forward to cleaning house here in Texas. Those who voted for impeachment must be held accountable.
I am the only "America First" candidate for Texas’ 12th Congressional District, running against a 14-term incumbent whose been in office since the Clinton administration. The only way to take out a career politician is with hard work, and strong support from the voters. I would like to invite you all to come hear me speak at your earliest convenience.
Visit the events page for more information.