Angus King for U.S. Senate Campaign

Hey John — it’s Angus’ Campaign Manager, Gaetan, here!

In a moment, I’m going to ask you to make a contribution to our campaign. But first, I want to explain why it’s so important to make that contribution today:

The thing is, we have a huge FEC deadline coming up at the end of this month — and after the deadline, our fundraising totals will be available to the public.

Once folks get their hands on that public report, they’ll be looking to see the strength of our campaign to re-elect Angus.

The total amount raised will be important, but so will the number of donations we receive, because that shows the strength of our grassroots support.

So, we’ve set an ambitious fundraising goal for this month, one that will ensure we put out the strongest report possible. That’s where you come in, John.

We’re a little over halfway through September, but off to a bit of a slow start. Will you help us pick up our momentum by making a donation to Angus’ campaign today?

If you've saved your payment information with FastAction, your donation will go through immediately:

Every donation, no matter the size, will help us demonstrate the tremendous strength of this grassroots team.

Thank you in advance for pitching in, if you can, to fuel our campaign and keep Angus in the Senate fighting on behalf of Maine families.

— Gaetan

Gaetan Davis
Campaign Manager
Angus King HQ