Friend, this is the most important email I’ve ever written.
A Far-Left socialist JUST launched her campaign to flip this Senate seat and destroy our path to winning back control of the Majority.
If we lose this single Senate seat, it’s all over – that’s why I’m PLEADING with you to pitch in ten or twenty dollars to help hold the line in this all-important race.
Look, my new opponent has a long, socialist rap sheet she’s pitching to Liberal donors:
❌ Supports sex change surgeries for children
❌ Backs late-term abortions
❌ Wants to confiscate your firearms
❌ She’s an open-border Democrat
❌ Donated to Elizabeth Warren for President
❌ Was an early supporter of Barack Obama
❌ Would back Chuck Schumer’s radical agenda 100%
She’s dangerous. She’s as woke as they come. And she wants to replace a strong, God-fearing Conservative (me!) with a die-hard socialist who toes the line for Democrats.
But she has to get through us first.
That’s why I’m calling in reinforcements from other strong, God-fearing Conservatives. So – with a servant’s heart and an iron will – I’m respectfully asking you to make a meaningful contribution to defeat my ultra-socialist opponent.
Thank you and God bless,
Marsha Blackburn (R-TN)
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