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“If Anything Were To Happen To Me And My Safety Ilhan Omar And Her Team Will Be Responsible” – Somali Activist Receives Threats After Reporting On Ilhan Omar’s Marriage To Brother

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While supplies last…


Fellow Conservative,


We have a very special, limited time offer for loyal patriots like you, and I wanted to be sure you got this urgent message while there’s still time.


We’ve just posted up our newly minted ‘Keep America Great’ coin, exclusively for Trump supporters like you and me.


…and it’s TOTALLY FREE!

This coin is a gold collectable, and it WILL NOT last long. I promise you.


Why on earth would we give away a valuable coin like this for FREE?!

Because President Trump has been under siege by Democrats and the Leftist media…


...and we’re committed to help seem him all the way through the stink of impeachment to victory in November!


We also know fellow patriots like you will be interested in our other outstanding pro-Trump, pro-America gear we have to offer.


Again, these beautiful, mint coins are flying off the shelves, and we can’t keep them in stock.


So, you need to grab yours RIGHT NOW! Just click here and claim your FREE Keep America Great collectable coin!




Steve Eichler,
CEO, Trump Victory Fund


PS. Inventory is already running extremely low on this outstanding gold collectible Keep America Great coin. And due to peak demand, I’m not able to hold one for you. So get yours RIGHT NOW before they go on back-order!


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