We the People of the United States, in order to protect our perfect Union and take our government back from extreme legislators and corporate interests, stand united in defense of our constitution. We remember the oath our forefathers made to Secure Our Peace, Defend Our Borders, and Protect Our Businesses, but our leaders have not.
Our currently elected leaders have made it their mission to strip our right to free-speech, to defend ourselves from criminals, and to keep the government bloated and ineffective. To this we can only say: “No More!”
Our Constitutional Republic requires the participation of our citizenry, and the cooperation of our elected officials. They serve the people, not their bottom lines.
What the people of Texas deserve is a Congresswoman who remembers our Constitutional Rights and Liberties, and will never bend when it’s profitable to do so. I am the person for the job, and will bring a new era of prosperity to TX-23 and the Nation, by returning to the principles of our Constitution.