From Fatherly <[email protected]>
Subject Ways To Instantly Be More Likable
Date September 18, 2023 7:34 PM
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The Secret To Being Way More Charming
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Sep. 18, 2023

Likability ([link removed]) has always been a highly desired trait. In our hunter-gathering days, it was the thing that kept you in the group even if you weren’t the fastest or strongest. And now, if the job opening is between two candidates with equal résumés, the tiebreaker is often the answer to the question, “Who’s the better person to be around?”

Likability can mean a lot of things: listening ([link removed]) , talking, telling jokes, pushing back. It’s whatever the situation calls for and it might mean a lot more people want to be friends with you, but you’re under no obligation to reciprocate. And so the payoff? When people like you, life is easier because you build stronger connections and a wider net for yourself when inevitably you need a ride, a job, or to borrow a ladder. Here are a few simple things that will help tip the scales in your favor.
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7 Ways To Instantly Be More Likable ([link removed])

With a bit of extra attention paid to a few key areas, you’ll be the most engaging person in the room. ([link removed])
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Our likability depends on how we leave the other person feeling.

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