From Will Grumke - 1st Phorm <[email protected]>
Subject So, how are they different?
Date September 18, 2023 7:15 PM
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You know,

As many people struggle to eat the fruits & vegetables our bodies need EVERY DAY...

So many of us will turn to high-quality supplements, like Opti-Reds 50 and Opti-Greens 50, to get the key nutrients we need to stay healthy & strong this fall...

Which is great, since both of these foundational products can play a huge role in helping to support our overall health, digestion, gut health, natural energy levels ... and so much more!

But, that brings up a great question, "[What's the difference between them?]([link removed])"

[Opti-Reds 50 vs Opti-Greens 50]([link removed])

Well, since we should all know what we're putting in our bodies, and how it can benefit us...

I wanted to send over this short but helpful blog, [Opti-Reds 50 vs Opti-Greens 50]([link removed])... help break down the difference between the two, and better explain how YOU can benefit from adding one (or both) of them to your daily routine!

Just tap the button below and take the next few minutes to learn more!

[Learn More Here]([link removed])

Then, if you have any questions about [Opti-Reds 50 & Opti-Greens 50]([link removed]), or anything else at all...

We're always here to help!

You can simply reply right back to this email, or give us a call at 1-800-409-9732...

...and our team of NASM Certified Personal Trainers & Certified Nutrition Coaches will be here to get you taken care of right away ... for FREE!


- Will Grumke

NASM CPT Certified Personal Trainer
NASM CNC Certified Nutrition Coach
NASM FNS Fitness Nutrition Specialist
NASM WLS Weight Loss Specialist
NASM BCS Behavioral Change Specialist
NASM VCS Virtual Coaching Specialist
CrossFit Level-1 Trainer

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