Ben Shapiro

The pagan mentality that’s taking over corporate America is truly astonishing.
Apple just [released an ad]([link removed]) in which they effectively call for worship of Mother Nature. This is just pure pagan-Gaia-worship nonsense. In the commercial, Apple CEO Tim Cook and what we are to assume is the rest of the Apple board are meeting with Mother Nature, who is a black woman. This Mother Nature shows up to express her unease at the lack of progress corporate America has made in protecting her: the environment.
A board member asks, “Mother Nature. Mother Nature. Welcome to Apple. How was the weather getting in?”
“The weather was however I wanted it to be,” Mother Nature replies. “Let’s cut to the chase: In 2020, you promised to bring Apple’s entire carbon footprint to zero by 2030. Henry David Thoreau over here (the camera pans to Cook) said we have a profound opportunity to build a more sustainable future for the planet we share.”
“I think our 10:00 said the same thing,” someone apparently working as an assistant for Mother Nature interjects.
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“Well, we’ve got some updates we are excited to share with you,” a board member says hesitantly.
“Materials status,” Mother Nature cuts her off.
“Is there a materials person here?” the assistant asks.
A woman nervously steps forward: “Yes. We are in the process of eliminating all plastic from our packaging by the end—”
“Let me guess,” Mother Nature interrupts. “Fifty years from now, when someone else is left holding the bag?”
“By the end of next year, actually,” the nervous woman answers.
How stupid is this? There are a few things that are incredibly stupid about this. This entire commercial was apparently unveiled at the Apple product launch to demonstrate just how environmentally friendly they are.
First of all, it begins with Mother Nature arriving and they say, how’s the weather? And it gets really dark. Mother Nature says, “Whatever I want it to be.”
So here’s the question: If the environment is whatever she wants it to be, what are we worried about _her_ for? If Mother Nature is all that powerful, then why is it we are not seeking to protect ourselves from _her_ and not the other way around? This, by the way, was the story of virtually all of human history until the last five minutes: Mother Nature trying to kill people and people trying to figure out a way not to die. It’s very much the story of all of human survival and civilization. It’s _still_ the story of all of human survival and civilization. Immediate contradiction.
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Then it turns into: How can we worship at the altar of Mother Nature? What if we recycle all of our plastic? Don’t even _use_ plastic. What if we recycle all the aluminum in our phones?
This is what we’re proving to you? What good people we are? What amazing, amazing people we are? Don’t worry about values. Don’t worry about whether what you’re doing is good or evil in terms of the product you produce, what kind of protections it has for children, or how content actually reaches people via the phones and computers you put up. Don’t worry about any of that. What you _really_ ought to worry about is Mother Nature.
This is paganism. Worshiping nature is a form of paganism because the reality is, _nature doesn’t care about you_. If you are making pagan sacrifices to the gods and you’re offering up not grain and meat but recycled aluminum, I’m not sure what the difference is.
My favorite part about all of this is this supposed Apple board meeting with Mother Nature. It’s super diverse. There’s a black lady, an Asian woman, an Indian woman. Except the _actual_ Apple board is the whitest group of people in human history — a _very_ white group of people. There is possibly one person on this entire list who is not white. They wouldn’t want to put that in the commercial because that would just be a bunch of white people meeting with a black lady and that wouldn’t look nearly as good or quite as diverse.
It’s good when the mask comes off, when corporate America says people like Tim Cook have a chief goal and that is this: to worship Mother Nature and use their giant company to do so.
**Ben Shapiro**
Editor Emeritus,
The Daily Wire
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