
We have a big week ahead of us in the fight against gender ideology.

There are two major protests opposing gender ideology in schools.

On Wednesday, September 20 there will be the 1 Million March 4 Children with demonstrations taking place across the country.

Parents will be pulling their kids out of school and assembling at City Halls and Legislature buildings to show that the sexualization of children is unacceptable.

A couple days later on Friday, September 22, my friends Billboard Chris and Josh Alexander will be hosting an Education Over Indoctrination protest in Toronto.

I expect these protests are going to be massive. The biggest we’ve ever seen in opposition to gender ideology.

And the Radical Left has taken notice.

This weekend we learned that the Radical Left is mobilizing across the country in counter protests.

And they have shocking institutional support.

Footage leaked from a “rapid response” meeting held by the Ontario Labour Federation with over 100 representatives of major labour unions across Canada’s largest province. You can watch the footage by clicking here.

The rhetoric they use is disturbing. They proudly refer to each other as “comrades”. They describe parents concerned about what is being taught to their children as fascists.

They believe anyone who doesn’t agree with childhood transition is “fundamentally racist, fundamentally anti-immigrant, and fundamentally queer and transphobic”. Ironically, the lead organizers of the 1 Million March 4 Children are first and second generation Muslims…

They discussed intimidation tactics to scare reasonable Canadians from participating, or to make sure they regret that they did.

Unions across Canada also made public statements, including the Ontario Public Service Employees Union (OPSEU), Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE), and the British Columbia Federation of Labour.

OPSEU described concerned parents as “hate groups”, CUPE Ontario described them as “the ultra-conservative right”.

Let that sink in…

In 2023, believing that children shouldn’t be taught that they are “born in the wrong body” and that the solution is pharmaceuticals and unnecessary surgeries makes you part of a hate group or the “ultra-conservative right”.

These people are unhinged!

They do not believe in parents' rights. They believe the state knows best and should be able to raise your children with their modern, hyper-progressive values, and everyone who disagrees is a bigot or a fascist.

Since when is it the role of unions to intervene with peaceful protests? This has nothing to do with labour rights, or collective bargaining.

They do not stand for workers, they are nothing more than the foot soldiers of the morally depraved elites. Whether they realize it or not.

In fact they are the extremists! They are the ones imposing a harmful and radical ideology on a generation of our children. They are the ones confusing our children and offering permanent life altering pharmaceuticals and surgical procedures as the solution.

It is crucial that as many people attend these protests as possible.

It is not enough to be vocal on social media. We must take to the streets and demonstrate that the silent majority stands against this child abuse.

We will expose these people as the extremists they are.

On Wednesday, I will be taking part in the 1 Million March 4 Children in Ottawa. Please join me if you can, if you’re not in the area you can click this link to find details on the march in your area.

On Friday, I will be with Josh and Chris in Toronto. Details on the poster below.

Please share these posters, and attend a protest in an area near you.

And if you can afford it, please make a $10 donation today to support our efforts to oppose gender ideology!


P.S.: If you have trouble finding where you can donate, you can just click this link!


People's Party of Canada
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