September 18, 2023
Have things finally gotten bad enough? Are we about to witness a massive
political shift? In this episode, I address the signs.
Dan's News Picks:

Upcoming Events:
Please join Dan for the launch of his
new book:
"The Gift of Failure: And I’ll Rethink the Title If This Book
September 19, 2023 at 5:00pm
Barnes & Noble, Jensen Beach
Treasure Coast Commons
3001 NW Federal Highway
Jensen Beach, FL 34957
September 23, 2023 at 5:00pm
Barnes & Noble, Naples
5377 Tamiami Trail N,
Naples, FL 34108
Hunter Biden Sues the IRS, Claims Whistleblowers Tried to Embarrass Him
Mired in scandal, Hunter Biden is striking back with a lawsuit against the
IRS, who he alleges, among other offenses, sought to embarrass him.
“Spygate” Players Resurface in SEC’s Targeting of Trump’s Truth
While all eyes have been on the lawsuits piling up against Donald Trump,
the swamp’s efforts to target his business empire haven’t attracted
nearly as much attention.
TRENDING VIDEO: Blinken: $6 Billion for Iran Can Only Be Used for
Humanitarian Purposes
Subscribe to Dan's podcast, The Dan Bongino Show:
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You can follow Dan
Bongino at:
Dan Bongino, P.O. Box 1003, Palm
City, FL 34991
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