From Laura Loomer from LOOMER UNLEASHED <>
Subject Ron DeSantis To Fundraise In Texas With RINOs Behind AG Ken Paxton’s Impeachment
Date September 18, 2023 6:01 PM
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Ron DeSantis is holding a fundraiser in Houston, Texas on September 20th at the home of Dr. Riva Collins and Ira Mitzner. The fundraiser for Ron DeSantis’s Presidential campaign is being held in the same vicinity of a fundraiser for RINO Texas Speaker of the House Dade Phelan, who recently led the charge to impeach pro-Trump Texas Attorney General Paxton over false accusations of corruption and bribery. Many of the same donors attending Phelan’s September 20th fundraiser are also attending DeSantis’ event, and sources have confirmed to me that Phelan and DeSantis will be meeting in Texas together as well as fundraising together in Texas this week where DeSantis will spend the entire week in a multi city fundraising blitz across Texas.
This week, DeSantis, the absentee Governor of Florida, is expected to visit six cities in Texas over four days, including campaign photo-ops and fundraisers in the Texas cities of Midland, Houston, Tyler, Dallas, Waco, and San Antonio.
September 19: Midland, Texas
September 20: Houston, Texas
September 21: Tyler, Texas and Dallas, Texas
September 22: Waco, Texas and San Antonio, Texas
One of the most notable names attending both fundraisers will be Texas billionaire Dick Weekley, who was one of the powerbrokers orchestrating the recent failed impeachment attempt against pro-Trump Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton.
An investigation into Weekley’s recent political contributions revealed that he is a prolific donor to House Speaker Kevin McCarthy. Weekley has donated to McCarthy’s Congressional campaigns 11 times since 2013, totaling $24,200.
Weekley also recently donated $10,000 to McCarthy’s ‘Protect the House 2024’ PAC, and $40,800 to McCarthy’s ‘Take Back The House 2022’ PAC. Weekley has donated $126,200 to the RINO controlled National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) since Kevin McCarthy became the House Republican minority leader in 2018.
Just as was the case last week in New York City and Greenwich, Connecticut [ [link removed] ] for Ron DeSantis’s birthday fundraisers, I was able to uncover the fact that DeSantis donor Dick Weekley is also a donor to Senator Mitt Romney. Romney and DeSantis continue to overlap between their supporters and donors, especially within the last week following Romney’s announcement that he won’t be seeking re-election to the US Senate.
See evidence of Weekley’s $2,737.49 donation to Mitt Romney below…
It is worth noting that Texas Speaker of the House Dade Phelan has earned the nickname “Drunk Dade” from his constituents after he was called out by Attorney General Ken Paxton for being drunk of the floor of the Texas House. Instead of taking responsibility for his public intoxication and instead of checking into rehab to address his public drinking issues, Drunk Dade decided to retaliate against Paxton by leading the charge for him to be impeached.
Watch this video to see Dade Phelan drunk on the floor of the Texas legislature, slurring his words and engaging in public intoxication on taxpayer dime.
If anyone deserves to be impeached and forced to resign for their behavior, it’s Texas Speaker of the House Dade Phelan.
It would appear that the impeachment attempt against Ken Paxton was orchestrated by Ron DeSantis donors in the 2024 Presidential election cycle in which the Republican establishment is seeking out ways to undermine President Trump in Texas, a state with one of the highest number of GOP delegates in the county. Also attending one of Ron DeSantis’s swanky Texas fundraisers this week is Representative Chip Roy, who has publicly called for Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton’s resignation. [ [link removed] ]
Currently, there are efforts by RINOs and Democrats in multiple states across the country to file lawsuits in an attempt to keep President Trump off the ballot for the 2024 Presidential election. If there was an effort to sabotage President Trump’s ability to gain ballot access in Texas, it makes sense as to why the RINO, anti-Trump Texas legislature would orchestrate a coup against the Texas Attorney General, Ken Paxton, who is a loud and proud Trump supporter and Trump ally.
I’m told by a source that DeSantis and Phelan intentionally planned their fundraisers in Houston, Texas on the same exact day, September 20, 2023, and that they will be meeting and campaigning in Texas together while DeSantis is in town this week for his Texas fundraising blitz.
Over the weekend, On Saturday September 16, The Texas Republican controlled Senate acquitted [ [link removed] ] Attorney General Ken Paxton [ [link removed] ] of 16 articles of impeachment alleging corruption and bribery. President Trump congratulated Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton for beating this impeachment attempt by RINO Texas legislators and Texas, Bush-family tied Texas billionaires and millionaires who are now DeSantis donors.
In a statement he posted to Truth Social, President Trump said,
“Congratulations to the Great People of Texas, and the State Senate, for rejecting POLITICAL PERSECUTION, and respecting the Integrity of our Elections. We should choose our elected officials by VOTING, not by weaponizing government. That is for Banana Republics, and Third World Countries. Now Attorney General Ken Paxton can get back to work. He’s one of the BEST!”
In comparison, Ron DeSantis’s hasn’t issued a single statement in support of Ken Paxton, and his upcoming fundraisers explain why he’s remained silent over the attacks against Paxton.
Highlighting the ties between DeSantis and House Speaker McCarthy is more than important, especially at a time when every elected official who maintains any level of support for President Trump is falling under the target of a weaponized government. To date, despite the fact that President Trump has a nearly 50 point lead in national polls regarding the 2024 GOP primary, and is even leading Joe Biden in national general election polling, Speaker McCarthy has still not endorsed President Trump for re-election. As I previously reported, McCarthy has a history of directing his donors in both California and Texas to donate to DeSantis’s Presidential campaign in an effort to undermine President Trump’s 2024 campaign.
It is important to document ties among the GOP donor class because it sheds light on the sympathies our controlled opposition Republican leaders have for those orchestrating the most grand display of election interference America has ever seen against President Trump.
Ron DeSantis isn’t anti-establishment. He is the establishment. And his upcoming fundraiser blitz in Texas with some of the loudest and most prominent political operatives and politicians behind the attacks on Ken Paxton, who beat George P Bush (son of former Florida Governor Jeb Bush) in the race for Texas Attorney General, is proof that DeSantis is bought and paid for by the Bush cartel, and the Never Trump GOP establishment donor class that will light their all of their cash on fire if it means getting in the way of President Trump winning re-election and draining the swamp.
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