Dear John xxxxxx,
Is it any wonder that as America
has waged violence throughout the world, violence has overtaken our
own nation?
This is the question I asked this
summer in the Peace Speech I gave at St. Anselm University in New
Hampshire. To an overflowing auditorium, I invoked again the call for
peace that my uncle President John F. Kennedy issued 60 years ago, in
his landmark speech at American University.
Today, my campaign releases the
third episode in the series of documentary shorts about my campaign
called Running on
Truth. This short film
illuminates the spirit of my speech, which is about the power and
necessity of making the United States a peaceful nation. I’m proud to
announce Episode
3: “Peace for All Time.” I hope you will take some time to watch
the episode.

By waging endless wars abroad, we
have neglected our own wellbeing, and we have brought the violence
home. Gun violence, domestic violence, deteriorating mental and
physical health… these are the wages of war. They are inseparable
from the violence we inflict abroad.
What will be the wages of peace? We
will begin to discover that in my Presidency. It will be a profound
turnaround of our country, toward health, moral vitality, and
prosperity for all.
Peace starts within. It comes from
seeing that within each of us which is brave and generous and
idealistic. It comes first by believing the radical idea that peace is
possible. When we take the first critical steps toward peace, America
will become, once again, a true world leader, and we will restore our
moral authority around the world.
In service,

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.