Fellow Patriot,
We are suing the Deep State for interference in the 2022 midterm elections.
America First Legal just filed a lawsuit against the FBI and Biden’s Department of Justice for illegally concealing federal records related to the Biden administration’s government-sponsored censorship and election interference during the midterm elections last year.
You may recall: Matt Taibbi revealed in his The Twitter Files exposure that just two days before the 2022 midterms election, the FBI National Election Command Post (NECP) sent an email to the FBI San Francisco Field Office, flagging twenty-five accounts as election misinformation threats, including the Twitter account for Right Side Broadcasting Network, which regularly broadcasted former President Donald Trump’s election rallies to millions of Americans.
Biden’s FBI was caught red handed!
Since then, my team at America First Legal has demanded all FBI records related to the censorship of political speech and interference surrounding the midterms elections!
That’s why we are fighting in court right now: America First Legal is suing the FBI and the DOJ for illegally concealing these records. Our aggressive lawsuit will also further expose how the FBI uses the false “misinformation” label as an excuse for censorship of the lawful speech of millions of Americans.
Censorship of political speech is morally wrong and it is a grave threat to our society. We will expose and crush the censorship regime that has corrupted our elections process.
But we need every patriotic American to stand with us and support our fight. Please donate right now to fund our legal attack on the Deep State and expose their election interference