Hi John,
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is about to make you pay more for groceries.
During a press conference on Sept. 14, Trudeau threatened a grocery tax. He wants grocery stores to lower prices. If they don’t, here’s what he’s thinking about doing:
“We will take further action and we are not ruling anything out, including tax measures,” Trudeau said.
It’s one thing to point fingers at grocery stores for high prices. Taxpayers are still angry about the $12 million the federal government gave to Loblaws to buy new refrigerators. It’s fair game to criticize big corporations.
But think about what the prime minister’s statement means: Trudeau is thinking about imposing a grocery tax.
How would yet another tax make ground beef or breakfast cereal any more affordable for your family? Does the prime minister really think huge corporations will hesitate to pass the cost of a new tax on to the checkout counter? Taxes don’t make things affordable, taxes make everything more expensive.
You know exactly who will end up paying the grocery tax: YOU.

If you don’t want Trudeau to make you pay more for groceries, then you need to sign the online PETITION saying NO to a grocery tax: http://www.taxpayer.com/petitions/no-to-a-grocery-tax
The Canadian Taxpayers Federation is launching a campaign against Trudeau’s grocery tax. We’re not going to let him hammer you with another tax.
But we need you on our team. This is your chance to add your name to thousands of other Canadians who don’t support a grocery tax.
Your name will help show just how many Canadians oppose this new tax. We’ll also be able to let you know when it’s time to act with thousands of other Canadians to pressure Trudeau and politicians to back away from a grocery tax.

You can join the fight against Trudeau’s grocery tax by signing this online petition: http://www.taxpayer.com/petitions/no-to-a-grocery-tax
Thanks for fighting for taxpayers – it’s making a difference!

  • Franco, Todd, Shannon and the CTF team.

PS: It only takes a couple seconds to sign the petition and send Trudeau a message: NO grocery tax:

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