You are subscribed to Reports for Department of State OIG. This information has recently been updated, and is now available. 09/18/2023 09:15 AM EDT
What OIG Audited OIG performed this audit to determine whether the Department identified and terminated contracts impacted by the suspension of U.S. operations in Afghanistan in accordance with federal and Department requirements. As part of the audit, OIG selected and reviewed eight contracts directly managed by the Bureau of Administration, Office of the Procurement Executive, Office of Acquisitions Management (AQM), on behalf of three Department bureaus. What OIG Recommends What OIG Found With respect to the eight contracts reviewed for this audit, OIG found that Contracting Officers (CO) did not terminate these contracts in accordance with federal and Department requirements, nor did they maintain sufficient, required documentation to support the contract actions taken. One reason for the contract administration deficiencies was insufficient management oversight. In addition, the Department did not have an effective mechanism to track contracts from termination to closeout and COs did not always maintain contract administration files in the mandated electronic document storage system. Furthermore, the Department?s policies and procedures related to contract termination were inadequate to guide the process. Until these deficiencies are corrected, the Department will be limited in its ability to provide proper stewardship of U.S. taxpayer funds and protect the legal and financial rights of the Department when executing contract termination and closeout procedures.